Teachings on the Pharmacognosis Manual
The teachings on the Pharmacognosis manual is a step by step pedagogical method on the grounded practices presented in the ancient sciences of healing arts
The course is in lecture format with video presentation that works through the information in a step by step fashion, covering all the points plus more.

The Seven Modules
The first module covers the background and fundamental nature of the philosophical art and the basis for the patterns of healing, such as the duality, the trinity, the quintessence.
The second module covers the principal energies of the human body and the 15 sub categories, elaborating on the signs and symptoms of a deficient state, a excessive state, and the disturbed state. Other therapeutic considerations such as pulse, diet, and lifestyle are considered in relationship to the principal energies.
The third module covers the seasons, different climatic regimes, and the times of the day in relationship to the principal energies of the body. This module gives a complete understanding about the cycles of day and night, the seasons, and the various geophysical places on earth. Knowing these is fundamental for the practitioner of this art, just like that of the importance of how the potter knows how to identify clay from sand.

The fourth module begins with laying the basis and defining the 5 elements of traditional medicine and how they are related to tastes and undoubtedly to the three principal energies of the body. Specific plants are analyzed in this regard, so that the practitioner can discover the primary method to categorize plants for Materia Medica building. Thus what is given is the profound formula regarding the foundations of understanding medicinal substances, something akin to the skeletal keys. This is given as the basis of being distinguished, the simple classifications, the nature of effect, the groupings, therapeutic actions, various exceptions and why, and introduction on the post digestive tastes. Above all, these are related to the 5 elements and the 6 primary tastes with profundity and logic.
The fifth module covers the indispensable teaching on Potency, Power, and Quality of a substance. This teaching is profound, as it gives the fundamental principles of applying the theory of the elements into practice and fortifies ones understanding by providing a guiding frame work to train the mind, senses and cognition to decipher for oneself characteristics of nature. All this again related to the elements, to the principal energies, tastes, etc. You learn the 8 fold nature of potency and its extending categorization, in light of the penetrative (solar) and snow-capped (lunar) energies that are embedded in all of nature.
In the sixth module compounding considerations are dealt with and introduced. What follows this introduction is a clear botanical analysis organized in light of selected traditional herbal actions. Signs and symptoms of each action is considered. The Botanical knowledge that is offered here is of a fundamental nature, like that of gold, as its value is timeless. This section of the teaching is used to propel you into other areas of investigation that will profoundly expand your mind of materia medica possibilities. It is like that of a productive mine, one needs to dig to find. With this teaching the mine is shone and the shovel is given and you are left by yourself to dig.

Inula helenium starting to go to flower in the early summer, many plants such as this are covered at their most foundational level
Level seven is the final module, you consider the fundamental nature and philosophy of compounding, and how the principals of evacuation and pacification are used in relationship to the principal energies of the body, and their respective methodological aspects to pharmacognosy. This is like setting the stones for the foundation of a temple. It gives you a basis and science to further your future practices in the art of traditional medicine making. All the possible taste combinations are than laid out in plain sight for one to experiment with further on in their own practice. In the complete end, the 8 gems of universal potency's are presented succinctly, with clarity and in plain sight for one to divine and dine on. These Gems reveals the fundamental study of nature and the healing powers that can be derive from the blessed substances that this great earth has bestowed. With these 8 gems of universal potency's, you will have the keys to a lifetimes worth of work with natures wonders.

A wild patch of Acorus calamus, Pharmacognosis covers a wide spectrum of plants that have been used by humans for healing through time immemorial
This course comes with the following:
- The manual booklet as a PDF or printed version
- Access to the Seven Modules sequentially upon completion
- Clear teachings that test's one to fully integrate and embody theory into practice