Hawthorn Extracts

Hawthorn extracts are available from Siddha Sciences in three forms, 1. nectar extract Resin, 2. Spagyric Tincture of Berries from two different species, Tincture of the Flower.  Price is based on tincture size and availability. 

Hawthorn Berry Fresh Spagyric, full pressed in the nectar state: 100 ml bottles, 30ml, 10 ml bottle and nectar by the gm.  


10 ml 85 kr

30 ml 220 kr

100 ml 665 kr

larger amounts please consult

Email your order here

Hawthorn Berry Spagyric, from dry Berries: 100 ml, 30 ml, 10 ml: Same price as above

Crataeus monogyna, Hawthorn.  In general this is a very protective plant, especially for the heart.  It was, at least in europe the thorned crowned placed on the great sun lord, holy kristos; making this a distincitve sun herb for the solar heart cakra plexii.  There is a very complex chemistry on Hawthorn that make it a potent heart tropho-restorative. 

The berries have a rather bland slightly sour taste with hints of astringency that is cooling in nature. It can cool pitta nervous conditions, especitally those that effect the heart. 

Hawthorn Flower Tincture 1:5 , 100 ml

Hawthorn Berry Nectar Resin

Hawthorn berry nectar is supreme  in quality, sweet and nurturing to the inner heart essence:

1 gm: 100 kr

5 gm: 350 kr

10 gm 689 kr

Email your order here

The hawthorn products herein mentioned are harvested from living wild ecosystems